Woof Love
Dog Grooming
Woof Love
Dog Grooming
Passionate Abo​ut Pooches!​

Who am i?
Who am i?
Hello my name is Joanna Rouse and I am the owner of Woof Love Dog Grooming, which was established February 2018.
Back in 2013 I came to abit of a crossroads in my life, unemployed, suffering anxiety, depression and intractable chronic migraines, I really did not know what to do, where to turn and who to talk to. My sister noticed a course at college which she thought might interest me, that being animal management, we both headed off to college to find out more information about this course to which they suggested I go to the nunsthorpe campus to have a look around. After arriving at this campus and being shown around, the tutor mentioned a new course starting that September called Animal Nursing, my interest sparked to which I enrolled onto this course. But, to do this Level 2 Animal Nursing course I had to enroll onto Level 2 Dog Grooming as they needed the two combined, and this is how I began to grow my passion for dog grooming. I enrolled the following year onto Level 3 Introduction to Dog Grooming, after that I decided to further my experience by enrolling onto the Level 2 Dog Grooming Certificate purely for the dog grooming experience.
After this time I was approached by my now friend Amii who owns another dog grooming business and I started to work for her to gain more experience and build my confidence, whilst at the same time still battling with my mental health and migraines. During my time working with Amii, I felt ready to go back to college to enroll for the Diploma in Dog Grooming Stylist, I made new friends and thoroughly enjoyed that year completing my Diploma and gaining a Merit grade.
Amii then suggested I could start my own business in which we spoke about casually numerous times, building ideas, thinking about a business name, how to do accounting, becoming self employed, so much to think about.
I did it! I made the big step and here I am, the proud owner of Woof Love Dog Grooming!

My first dog was Poppy the Border Collie, who sadly passed away in 2021, I had struggled without her and now I have another as Border Collies are amazing.
Right now, I have three girls of my own, my eldest being the Shih Tzu sisters, Daisy and Rosie; and my youngest being the Border Collie, Lilly.
I love them all so much, they certainly make me smile and give me giggles with their goofiness.